Law of 23rd July 2003
on the protection and care of historical monuments [PDF, full text in Polish]
Decree of the Minister of Culture of 9th June 2004
concerning conservatory, restauration, construction
and other works
at the scheduled monuments, archaeological research
as well as search
of the hidden or left historic monuments [PDF, full
text in Polish]
Law of 15th February 1962
on the protection of cultural property [former Law; HTML, full text in English]
Decree of the Minister of Culture and Arts of 18th April 1964
concerning the inventarisation of museum objects [HTML, full text in Polish]
Convention on the creation of a World Intellectual Property Organisation,
Stockholm 14th February 1967 [HTML, full text in Polish]
Law of 14th July 1983
on the national archival resources and archives [HTML, full text in Polish]
Law of 17th May 1990
on the assignation of tasks and authority mentioned in particular legislation between
the administration of communes and organs of state administration and of modifications to certain
legislation [HTML, full text in Polish]
Decree of the Minister of Culture and Arts of 22nd September 1990
concerning the creation of the State Service for the Protection of Monuments and defining
its structure [HTML, full text in Polish]
Law of 4th February 1994
on copyright and related rights [HTML, full text in Polish]
Law of 7th July 1994
on spatial planning [HTML, full text in Polish]
Decree of the Minister of culture and Arts of 10th October 1995
on the procedure types and value of rewards given for archaeological
[HTML, full text in Polish]
COUNCIL OF EUROPE. European Convention on the protection of the archaeological
heritage [HTML, full text in Polish]
Law of 27th October 1994
concerning paid motorways [HTML, full text in Polish]
Decree of the Minister for the Protection of the Environment, Natural
Resources and Forestry
of 5th June 1995 concerning the requirements concerning the assessment
of the effects
of motorways on the environment, agricultural lands and forests and
protected cultural property
[HTML, full text in Polish]