
Martijn van Leusen, Andrzej Prinke
ArchTerra. Extending the European Archaeology Web over Bulgaria,
Romania and Poland
The networking and internationalisation of the existing academic
resources, historical and cultural achievements, as well as the
research efforts of the academic community in the field of Archaeology
using computer, information and communication technologies is
a recent trend with a rapidly growing impact on archaeological
research, management and education. The reason for this is twofold:
on the one hand, the international character of the archaeological
material itself, and, on the other, the ability of these technologies
to overcome the difficulties of sharing these resources beyond
the national borders. One additional reason (although this development
is still in its infancy) is the ability of these technologies
to simulate group collaboration.
Academic WWW facilities are increasingly being used by professional
archaeologists in the European Union for a variety of purposes.
Over the past 3 years an informal but truly pan-European virtual
research network in the field of archaeology has grown up, which
maintains its own virtual space of shared resources, personal
forums, international organisations, and electronic journals.
It was established in 1994, emulating its North American counterpart
ArchNet, co-ordinated at the University of Connecticut. The
current state of European trends toward virtual research collaboration
can be listed on the basis of the information technologies used:
- The Archaeological Resource Guide for Europe (ARGE, maintained
primarily at the University of Birmingham and now - at the
University of Groningen) is the WWW 'Virtual Library' for
European Archaeology, providing one-stop access to over a
thousand sources of information. It is jointly implemented
by the British and Dutch partners in the current project consortium,
with support from the EU project 'Archeonet' (SOCRATES programme),
and it connects to other European servers acting as national
hosts of the virtual European Archaeology Web (EAW), allowing
the sharing of different resources over the Internet: public
domain software, public presentations of information materials
of common interest, educational and research materials in
Archaeology, notice board for public announcements, etc.
- Professional archaeologists, including the European Association
of Archaeologists, have their own international mailing lists,
which allow networking of researchers on a personal basis.
Most of these are currently hosted by the UK mail server mailbase
(Newcastle, UK; URL: One specific list, dedicated
to the build-up of Europe-wide information services for archaeologists,
is supervised by P.M.van Leusen from the University of Groningen
(Coordinator of the ArchTerra project).
- International availability of research results is promoted
by the publication of several electronic journals, published
over the Internet, such as the journal Internet Archaeology
(York, UK; ) and the Archaeological Research
Repository (Sheffield, UK; These are
based on maintenance of dynamic access to databases and files
from the WWW.
- Public and professional access to archaeological objects
and databases is promoted through virtual museums of archaeology,
such as the Virtual Magna Graecia and Virtual Pompeii, and
by libraries such as the Internet Amber Virtual Library (Milano).
These employ contemporary technologies for 3D modelling, multimedia
and interactive programming (HTML, CGI, VRML, and Java).
The informal nature of this network has meant that its services depend on,
and are limited by, what services happen to be made available
from external sources, and what spare time and effort can be input
by a relatively few archaeologists. Crucial elements of the transnational
information infrastructure, such as the provision of multilingual
search engines and the hosting of list services, thus cannot be
realised, and inequalities between countries are emphasised rather
than removed. In addition, ignorance of the possibilities (potential
or realised) of the WWW is still pervasive among many professionals,
and this is compounded by the virtual absence of basic network
access for archaeologists from Central Europe. Although the Central
European Countries have an important place in the historical and
cultural development of Europe, they therefore do not currently
have a substantial participation in the exchange of information
and expertise regarding European archaeology.
Objectives of the proposed research
The ArchTerra project aims to help redress the current imbalances
in access to European networking facilities for the CEC academics
and to provide the impetus for an active expansion of archaeological
communication and information services both within CEC and between
EU and CEC through Internet. Its objectives are:
- To establish the technical infrastructure and software tools
needed to allow researchers in the field of IT in Archaeology
from CEC to join the EAW, in the form of national WWW hosts
of the ArchWeb network in the three participating CEC (Bulgaria,
Romania, Poland). These hosts will be located at the major
research organizations responsible for archiving, maintenance
and supplying of information in these countries. Our aim is
to make direct access to these facilities a reality for all
researchers employed at the participating organisations, and
to make dial-up access a reality for the hundreds of other
researchers in the three countries mentioned;
- To provide practical demonstration of the trans-national
nature and urgency of archaeological research and management,
and the benefits and efficiencies of Internet use, to professional
and general users alike. End users will be able to access
both the presently available on-line electronic resources
and a core set of demonstration resources from CEC (including
Web-pages, museum-databases, live presentations and virtual
tours). The creation of the latter, for which the subject
of Mining was chosen, is a core objective of the project.
Three different pilot virtual museums of Regional Archaeology
- in Sofia, Poznan and Bucharest. They will be implemented
using one unified generic information system for Internet
access to relational databases to be developed by joint efforts
of programmers and museum workers.
- To strengthen existing scientific relations between EU and
CEC and to foster long-term joint initiatives for collaboration,
demonstrating the richness and fragility of the European archaeological
heritage, by bringing together partners and collections from
across Europe (including the Danube and Vistula basins in
particular). To this end, a scientific list server service
similar to Mailbase will be established for serving the regional
scientific cooperation in Central Europe, and complex solutions
to specific hurdles to international collaboration (translation
schemes for languages with different alphabets, multilanguage
and multicultural thesauri of terms and articles, international
heritage legislation) will be explored.
Significance of the proposed research
International collaboration in the study and preservation of our
common archaeological heritage, the goal of this project, is not
currently operating very well across Europe and hardly at all
between European Union and Central European Countries. This is
partly due to lack of (technical and financial) means, but of
greater importance has been the lack of a focused drive to exploit
modern Information Technology. And even though they may be aware
of the benefits IT could bring, archaeology as a profession does
not have either the means or the technical know-how to bring this
about on its own.
One important advantage of the relatively small size of the
European archaeological research community is that it is possible
for the proposed project to make a major impact on working practices.
In effect, the project can remove the current problems of lack
of infrastructure and experience in the CEC; the availability
of a range of freeware WWW tools has already removed the problem
of user friendliness. The project will have a real impact on
the safeguarding of the RTD potential of the CEC, by allowing
researchers to work more effectively in their own countries,
contacting their international colleagues without cost or delay.
In this, the proposed project closely follows the ideas and
recommendations of the second CEC/EU Forum in Prague, thus in
effect preparing the CEC for the Global Information Society
in the field of Archaeology.
The proposed research project has yet another valuable European
dimension, since it will open for the rest of Europe some of
the less well known achievements of the academic community in
CEC. Due to the present economic difficulties and the existing
language barriers these are largely unknown outside specialist
Lastly, the project will make the process of archaeological
research, education and management in the CEC more intensive
and more effective by latching on to the powerful methods and
technologies employed and by the direct contact with partners
from all over Europe. Thus, it will be a powerful force for
the study and preservation of Europe's cultural heritage
4. Scientific and Technical description
4.1. Methodology
The objectives of the proposed project require
four different activities to take place:
- technical installation (hardware, software, networks)
- transfer of expertise (workshops, visits, lists)
- creation of new content (data mining, software development,
WWW publishing)
- dissemination (international conference organization, guides
printing, web hosts maintenance) This complex set of different
activities requires dedicated methodology, which is capable
to cover all dimensions of the project work. It should be
organizied in a goal driven scheme which fully acomplish the
complementary nature of the partners' expertise and allows
splitting of the work into non-interleaving clusters. For
this purpose the general methodology chosen under the project
can be characterised as a non-interleaving workflow of separate
workpackages, implemented by research teams established by
the project partners especially for this project, a methodology
also known in Computer Science as CSP, from Communicating
Sequential Processes. It is an organizational form for graduate
stepwise transferring and further expanding of the intermediate
results towards reaching the final effect: establishing of
a research network in the form of common resources (unified
and interconnected infrastructure, multilanguage glossaries
and technical guides), end technical products (databases,
interfaces, servers) and mutual scientific cohesion (long-term
research contacts, mutual visits, joint teams) - see Fig.
1. In order to be operational, this methodology badly needs
continous, reliable and well coordinated communications between
the teams as well as supporting technologies
4.2. Technologies
The computer and information technologies which
support the project are rooted entirely in the changing ways in
which computers are used in the last decade: from desktop information
processing throughout client/server architectures of local networks
to full external WWW access from the Internet. The technologies
in question for the consortium can be regarded on relatively separated
although not fully independent layers:
- Infrastructural layer - computer networking and building
underlying hardware infrastructure of the local networks,
based on a unified Internet/Intranet concept; under the project
it will be based on two different and cheap solutions: local
PC's directly connected to the local servers, and indirectly
connected to Internet via leased lines throuhgout the servers
located at the main partners in the three countries (Sofia,
Bucharest and Poznan) and remote PC's with dialup access to
the servers via modems and thereon to Internet
- Commmunications layer - running communication protocols,
necessary for implementing of the services envisaged within
the network; it will be reached through maintenance of single
servers at the main Archaeological partners from the three
CEC combining list serving, mail serving and WWW serving (TCP/IP,
POP3, HTTP protocols)
- Information layer - different file and database formats
containing relevant data (text, images, tables,charts, etc.)
- Acquisition layer - authoring of materials for public
presentation based on the expertise of the participating archaeologists
through writing, translation, drawing, filming, animating,
scanning etc.
- Presentation layer - database storage and Web publishing
of the prepared materials through joint efforts of informaticians
and archaeologists; designing of virtual tours, exhibitions
and models of events and sites of interest for Archaeology
This stratification of different level information technologies
requires creation of interdisciplinary work groups which each
are able to cover the full scope of these layers. The present
text is a short presentation of the project at its starting point.
The preliminary results will be presented at the CAA_2000.