I. |
Northeastern Africa
Andrea Manzo
Social complexity and cultural contacts in Northeastern Africa
between 3000 and 1000 B.C.: a provisional model |
15 |
Andrew B. Smith
The Near Eastern connection II: cultural contacts with the Nile Delta and the Sahara |
29 |
II. |
North African littoral and the Sahara |
Barbara E. Barich, Cecilia Conati-Barbaro and Carlo Giraudi
The archaeology of Jebel Gharbi (Northwest Libya) and the Libyan sequence |
37 |
Jean-Loïc Le Quellec
Cultural areas and interregional relations: the case of the Egyptian
and Libyan theriomorphs |
51 |
III. |
Eastern Sahara |
Hala Barakat
Anthracological studies in the Northeastern Sahara: methodology
and preliminary results from the Nabta Playa |
61 |
Barbara E. Barich, Fekri A. Hassan and Alessandra A. Stoppiello
Farafra Oasis between the Sahara and the Nile |
71 |
Rudolph Kuper
Between the Oases and the Nile - Djara: Rohlfs' Cave in the Western Desert |
81 |
Mary M. A. McDonald
Relations between Dakhleh Oasis and the Nile Valley in the Mid-Holocene:
a discussion |
93 |
Romuald Schild, Halina Królik, Fred Wendorf and Angela E. Close
Architecture of Early Neolithic huts at Nabta Playa |
101 |
Werner Schön
The Late Neolithic of Gilf Kebir: evolution and relations |
115 |
Fred Wendorf, Romuald Schild and Nieves Zedeno
A Late Neolithic megalith complex in the Eastern Sahara: a preliminary report |
125 |
IV. |
The Nile Delta and the Egyptian Nile Valley |
Barbara Adams
Imports and imitations in Predynastic funerary contexts at Hierakonpolis |
133 |
Kathryn A. Bard
The Predynastic site of Halfiah Gibli, Upper Egypt, and interconnections
within the Nagada network |
145 |
Chris Ellis
Expressions of social status: a statistical approach to the Late
Predynastic/Early Dynastic cemeteries of Kafr Tarkhan |
151 |
Bolesław Ginter, Janusz K. Kozłowski and Maciej Pawlikowski
Raw material procurement in the Tarifian and in the Naqada Culture:
a case study from the Nile Valley in Upper Egypt |
165 |
Diane L. Holmes
Recent investigations in the Badari region (Middle Egypt) |
181 |
Diane L. Holmes
Lithic assemblages from Hierakonpolis and interregional relations
in Predynastic Egypt |
193 |
Shomarka O.Y. Keita
Analysis of Nagada Predynastic crania: a brief report |
203 |
E. Christiana Köhler
Evidence for interregional contacts between late prehistoric Lower
and Upper Egypt - a view from Buto |
215 |
Nancy C. Lovell and Andrew L. Johnson
Human biological variation at Nagada: an analysis of dental morphological traits |
227 |
Beatrix Midant-Reynes
The Predynastic site of Adaima (Upper Egypt) |
237 |
Mohamed Adel M. Abd el-Moneim
Late Predynastic - Early Dynastic cemetery of Beni Amir (Eastern Delta) |
241 |
Mohamed Adel M. Abd el-Moneim
Late Predynastic - Early Dynastic mound of Beni Amir (Eastern Delta) |
253 |
Mohamed Ibrahim Bakr, Mohamed Adel Abd el-Moneim and Mahmoud Omar M. Selim
Protodynastic excavations at Tell Hassan Dawud (Eastern Delta) |
277 |
Klaus Schmidt (with an Addendum by Ernst Pernicka)
Lower and Upper Egypt in the Chalcolithic Period. Evidence of the lithic
industries: a view from Buto |
279 |
Ursula Thanheiser
Local crop production versus import of cereals during the Predynastic Period in the Nile Delta |
291 |
V. |
The Sinai |
Isabella Caneva
Survey in northwestern Sinai |
303 |
Ram Gophna
Observations on the earliest phase of relations between Egypt and Canaan
during the Early Bronze Age |
311 |
VI. |
The Sudan |
Isabella Caneva
Post-Shaheinab Neolithic remains at Geili |
315 |
Elena A. A. Garcea
Cultural developments in the final hunting-gathering horizons
in the Middle and Upper Nile Valley |
321 |
Maria C. Gatto and F. Tiraterra
Contacts between the Nubian "A-Groups" and Predynastic Egypt |
331 |
Alfredo Jimeno, Victor M. Fermindez, Mario Menendez and Javier Lario
The Mesolithic/Neolithic of the Blue Nile (east bank) : chronological seriation
and settlement patterns |
335 |
Michał Kobusiewicz
Technology, goals and efficiency of quartz exploitation in the
Khartoum Neolithic: the case of Kadero |
347 |
Michał Kobusiewicz and Jacek Kabaciński
Jebel Kobkabba: a Middle Palaeolithic site in Sudanese Nubia |
355 |
Mahmoud el- Tayeb Mahmoud
Neolithic sites on the White Nile |
377 |
Joris Peters
New light on Mesolithic resource scheduling and site inhabitation
in Central Sudan |
381 |
VII. |
The Horn of Africa |
Rodolfo Fattovich
The Afro-Arabian circuit: contacts between the Horn of Africa
and Southern Arabia in the 3rd -2nd millennia B.C. |
395 |
Varia |
Tsuyoshi Fujimoto
Experiments in grinding cereals |
403 |
Stan Hendrickx
Considerations on the "Analytical Bibliography of the Prehistory and the Early
Dynastic Period of Egypt and Northern Sudan" |
409 |
Eric Huysecom
Iron Age terracotta pestles in the Sahel area: an ethnoarchaeological approach |
419 |
Jacke Phillips
Aegypto-Aegean relations up to the 2nd millennium B.C. |
459 |
Purushottam Singh
The origin and dispersal of millet cultivation in India |
471 |
Suzanne M. M. Young
Archaeometric analysis of copper swords from Kerma, Nubia |
475 |
Alphabetical List of Authors |
491 |