International Symposium
Cultural Markers in the Later Prehistory of Northeastern
Africa and Our Recent Research
Puszczykowo near Poznan,
29th August - 2nd September 2000
Circulars 1 and 2 (excerpts)
This will be our sixth (!) "Dymaczewo-type"
Symposium. It will be composed of two parts. The first one will
be devoted to the subject originally proposed by Dr Rudolph Kuper
for his planned conference in the Dakhleh Oasis (Cultural Markers
in the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa) which was to take
place in November, 1999. However, due to unforeseen circumstances
he was forced to cancel t his meeting and instead agreed to integrate
this topic into our Symposium. The aim of the second part ot our
Symposium will be the presentation and discussion of recent research
(field-work and related investigations, theoretical work etc.)
carried out since our last meeting in 1997 in Kiekrz near Poznan.
While the chronological limits ot the first part of our symposium
will be limited to the later prehistory of Northeastern Africa
(Later Palaeolithic - Late Neolithic), it is intended in the second
one to review the intormation from the Early Palaeolithic through
Neolithic/Predynastic. The geographical scope of our symposium
comprises such countries as Egypt, the Sudan, Libya, Eritrea,
Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. However, it should be stressed that
it is our tradition to allow researchers from the neighbouring
parts of Africa and the Near East to participate and present the
results ot their investigations. During the Symposium a short
session on present and future projects and research is planned
with the aim to provide help, and/or intormation it needed, to
the organizers of the new projects.
Those who participated in the 1997 symposium and want their papers
to be included in the Proceedings, should immediately send the
manuscripts and discs to us. Manuscripts arriving after 1 September,
1999 cannot be included in these Proceedings.
Please distribute this Circular and Prelirninary Registration
Form among all interested in the
subject of our next Symposium.
Our Symposium will be held in a conference centre at Puszczykowo,
on the outskirts of Poznan, in a nice forest and close to the
river Warta.