Dr. Lech Krzyżaniak
born on February 8th, 1940 in Wilkowo,
Buk commune, Szamotuły district, wielkopolskie voiv. (Poland)
died on July 10th, 2004 in Skrzynki,
Kórnik commune, Poznań district,
wielkopolskie voiv. (Poland)
1957: Graduated from the grammar school in Szamotuły, Wielkopolskie
1962: M.A. degree in archaeology from the University of Poznan.
1966/67: scholarship from the University of Giza (Cairo), Faculty
of Archaeology.
1968: Ph.D. degree in archaeology from the University of Poznan.
1975: Habilitation (highest academic degree in Poland) from
the University of Poznan on the basis of the book Early
Farming Cultures on the Lower Nile. The Predynastic Period in
1981/82: Research fellowship from the Egyptian Museum in Munich
1985: Overseas Visiting Scholar at the St John's College in
Cambridge (U.K.).
1989: Visiting Fellow at the Department of Archaeology, University
of Calgary (Canada).
1992: Full professorship (received from the University of Warsaw).
1993: Visiting Professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin
Employment and Research:
1960- Poznan Archaeological Museum, general director since 1982.
1965-1972: Member of the Polish archaeological projects in Egypt
( Tell Atrib, Alexandria, Deir el-Bahari).
1966-1972: Member of the Polish excavations at Old Dongola (Sudan).
1972 - Director of the Polish excavations at Kadero (Sudan).
1978-1990: Field director of the German excavations at Minshat Abu Omar (Eastern Delta).
1984-1986: Member of the American excavations at Kom el-Hisn (Western Delta).
1986 - Member of the Dakhleh Oasis Project (research on petroglyphs).
Other academic activities:
1980 - Secretary of the International Commission of the Later
Prehistory of Northeastern Africa (President: Fred Wendorf).
1991 - President of the Commission No. 24 for the Later Prehistoric
and Protohistoric Social Groups of Northeastern Africa
of the International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric
Sciences (UISPP).
1990 - President of the Scientific Council of the Polish Centre
of Mediterranean Archaeology (Warsaw University) in Cairo.