Agnieszka Mączyńska
born on 3rd of February, 1975
1995-1999 |
Archaeology at Department
of Prehistory of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań -
specialisation European Stone Age (Master's thesis: The
Magdalenian in Poland) |
1999-2004 |
Doctor's degree at Faculty of History
of Adama Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Ph. D. thesis
Społeczności Delty Nilu w okresie predynastycznym (3800-3300/3200
BC) oraz ich kontakty z Palestyną - Societies in the Nile Delta
in Predynastic period (3800-3300/3200 BC) and their
contacts with Palestine |
since June 1999 |
an assistent in Poznań Archaeological Museum |
since November 2003 |
a head of Department of Exhibition and Education in Poznań Archaeological Museum |
an archaeology of Predynastic Egypt; pre- and protodynastic Egyptian pottery; the Egyptian-Palestinian relationships during 4th Millennium B.C.;
museology, education in museums, public relation in archeology;
1995-1999 |
excavations on many Polish
sites in Kujawy and Wielkopolska region (regular and rescue
excavations - Inowrocław; Sławsko Wielkie, Karczyn; Olsza;
Dopiewo) |
1995 |
excavation on the paleolithic site
in Cave XVI in Cénac-et-Saint Julien, France (Dordogne)
- expedition headed by. J.-Ph. Rigaud - University of Bordeaux; |
1996 |
excavation on the paleolithic site
in the Cave Scladina in Sclayun, Belgium, expedition headed
by D. Bonjean - University in Liege; |
1997 |
excavation on the neolithic site in
the cave Karleslé in Haller, Luxembourg, expedition headed
by F. Le Brun - National Museum of History and Art in Luxembourg
city |
od 1999 |
member (ceramologist) of Polish Expedition
to the Eastern Nile Delta - excavation at Tell el-Farkha
headed by M. Chłodnicki from Poznań Archaeological Museum
and K. Ciałowicz from Jagiellonian University in Cracow;
2004-2005 |
excavation on the site at Kom el-Khighan
(Nile Delta, Egypt), expedition headed by B. Midant-Reynes; |
EXHIBITION: One Hundred Most Interesting Archaeological
Discoveries in Chine in XX century -Sto Najciekawszych Odkryć
Archeologicznych w Chinach w XX wieku (3. 03 - 15. 04. 2003);
The Most Ancient Chinese Bronze -Starożytne Brązy Chińskie (1.12.03-15.01.04)
co-author and co-curator of the exhibition Colligo ergo
sum. The short story of collecting (23.10 - 21.12.2008.)
lectures Chronology of Predynastic Egypt and Stone Age in the Mediterranean region for
students of archaeology in Department of Prehistory, Adam Mickiewicz
University in Poznań
2000 |
International Symposium
on the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa in Puszczykowo
near Poznań - paper Lower Egyptian Culture at Tell el-Farkha; |
2001 |
Second Central European Conference
in Egyptology. Egypt 2001: Perspectives of Research
in Warsaw - paper Lower Egyptian Pottery from Tell el-Farkha. |
2002 |
Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic
Egypt in Cracow - paper
The Pottery Tradition at Tell el-Farkha. |
2003 |
International Symposium on the Later Prehistory
of Northeastern Africa in Poznań - paper Egyptian-Canaanite
Interaction during 4th and 3rd Millennia B.C. A view from Tell
el-Farkha; |
2005 |
International conference Origines. Predynastic and
Early Dynastic Egipt. Origin of the State in Toulouse
(France) (5-8 September 2005) - paper Some remarks
on Egyptian-Southern Levantine interrelation in the
first half of 4th Millennium BC
2007 |
International Symposium on the Later Prehistory of
Northeastern Africa in Poznan - (2-5 july 2007)
- paper Were spinning bowls used in the Predynastic
period? Finds from Tell el Farkha.
2008 |
Egypt at its Origins. The Third International Colloquium
on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt in London
(27 July do 1 August 2008) - paper Lower Egyptian-Nagadian
transition. A View from Tell el-Farkha,
2009 |
Vth Central European Conference of Egyptologist.
Egypt 2009: Perspectives of Research in Pułtusku (22-24
June 2009) - paper: How and why is pottery
useful for understanding archaeology of Predynastic
Egypt? A few practical examples from the site at Tell
PUBLICATIONS: M. Chłodnicki, K. Ciałowicz, with contribution
by R. Abłamowicz, T. Herbich, M. Jórdeczka, M. Jucha, J. Kabaciński,
L. Kubiak-Martens, A. Mączyńska 2003, Polish excavations at
Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in Nile Delta. Preliminary report 1998-2001,
Archeologia LIII 2002:63-118.
M. Chłodnicki, K. Ciałowicz, with contribution by R. Abłamowicz,
T. Herbich, M. Jórdeczka, M. Jucha, J. Kabaciński, L. Kubiak-Martens,
A. Mączyńska 2002, Tell el-Farkha Seasons 1998 - 1999. Preliminary
Report, Mittelungen des Deutchen Archäologischen Instituts,
Abteilung Kairo 58:89-117.
M. Chłodnicki, K. Ciałowicz, R. Abłamowicz, M. Jucha, A. Mączyńska,
L. Martens-Kubiak 2002, Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala). Season 2001,
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean. Reports 2001 XIII:105-126.
A. Mączyńska, 2003, Lower Egyptian Pottery at Tell el-Farkha,
(w:) Proceedings of the Second Central European Conference in
Egyptology. Egypt 2001: Perspectives of Research, J. Popielska-Grzybowska
(red.), Warszawa:97-100.
A. Mączyńska, Lower Egyptian Culture at Tell el-Farkha.(w:)
Krzyżaniak L., Kroeper K. & M. Kobusiewicz (red.), Cultural
Markers in the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa and Recent
Research, Poznań 2003:213-226.
A. Mączyńska, The Pottery Tradition at Tell el-Farkha (in:)
Hendrickx S., Friedman R.F., Cialowicz K.M. & M. Chłodnicki (eds.) Egypt
at its Origins. Studies in Memory of Barbara Adams. (Proceedings of
the International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early
Dynastic Egypt", Krakow, 28th August - 1st September 2002), Orientalia
Lovaniensia Analecta 138. Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2004:421-442
A. Mączyńska, Egyptian-Southern Levantine Interaction in the 4th and 3rd Millennium
B.C. A view from Tell el-Farkha, (in:) Archaeology of the Early Northeastern
Africa, (Proceedings of the International Symposium "Archaeology of the Early
Northeastern Africa", Poznań, 14th -17th June 2003) Poznań 2007:945-957.
A.Mączyńska, Some remarks on Egyptian-Southern Levantine interrelation in
the first half of 4th Millennium BC. Egypt at its Origins. (in:) Proceedings
of the International Conference "Origines", Toulouse, 5th - 8th
September 2005 , Leuven, Paris, Dudley, MA 2008:763-781
in print:
A. Mączyńska Old Kingdom pottery at Tell el-Farkha.
Some remarks on bread moulds, (in:) Proceeding of the
Old Kingdome Pottery Workshop, Warsaw, 20-21 August 2007
A. Mączyńska, Were Spinning bowls Used in the Predynastic
period? Findings from Tell el-Farkha, (in:) Proceeding
of the 8 th International Symposium "Prehistory of
Northeastern Africa - new ideas and discoveries", Poznan,
2-5 July, 2007.
A. Maczyńska, Lower Egyptian-Nagadian transition. A View
from Tell el-Farkha, (in:) Friedman, R. & McNamara, L.
(eds.), Egypt at its Origins 3, Proceedings of the International
Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early
Dynastic Egypt", London, 27th September-1st
August 2008. Leuven.
A. Mączyńska, How and why is pottery useful for understanding
archaeology of Predynastic Egypt? A few practical examples
from the site at Tell el-Farkha, (in:) Proceedings of
Vth Central European Conference of Egyptologist. Egypt 2009:
Perspectives of Research. 22-24 June 2009 r. The
Pułtusk Academy of Humanities.
EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATION: A. Mączyńska, Polish Indiana Jones (Polski Indiana Jones), Piar.pl - Public Relations magazine, vol. 5 (5) September-October 2005.
A. Mączyńska, Pre-PR (Pra-PR), Piar.pl - Public Relations magazine, vol. 6
(6) November - December 2005,
A. Maczyńska, Kim są stakeholders? (Who are stakeholders?) (in:) Nowoczesne zarządzanie
muzeami. Współpraca polsko-holenderska w ramach projektu MATRA 1999-2007 (Modern
management in museums),Warsaw, 2007.
in print:
A. Mączyńska, Na naukę nigdy nie jest za późno. Czy edukacja muzealna jest
potrzebna dorosłym? "Materiały z konferencji naukowo-edukacyjnej "Lednickie
mosty - przeszłość dla przyszłości". Lednica 13-15.09.2009 r. Muzeum Pierwszych
Piastów na Lednicy
A. Mączyńska "Archeologia i media - małżeństwo z rozsądku". Materiały z konferencji
"Współczesne oblicza przeszłości". Poznań 21-22.10.2009 r. Instytut Prahistorii
A. Mączyńska, Jak cię widzą, tak cię piszą". Wizerunek Muzeum Archeologicznego
w Poznaniu w przeciągu 150 lat istnienia. Materiały z konferencji "Muzeum XXI
w. Teoria i praxis". Gniezno 25-27.11.2009 Muzeum Początków Państwa Polskiego
w Gnieźnie
2003 - training conc erning UE structural funds and European programs financially supporting culture organized by Polish Ministry of Culture
since 2004 - participation in MATRA - twining museums projects together with Drenths Museum in Assen (Holland) (two visits in Assen in 2003 and 2005, exchanging of experience, discussing)
2004 Polish-Dutch conference concerning MATRA projects in Nieborów (3-5 November 2004 r.)
2005 Conference How to popularize the archaeology? in Poznań (21 April 2005 - paper Public Relations, archaeology and museums
2005 - participation in workshop "Train the trainer" within MATRA Poland project organized in Łodz by Museological Centre in Łodź and The Netherlands Museums Association (3-6 October 2005)
2006 - Conference officially started the Matra Project in Ukraine in Kiev organized by The Netherlands Museums Association (11-12 June 2006) - paper MATRA in Poland - preliminary results
2006 - participation in summerschool for young Polish museum specialists organized by the Netherlands Museums Association within MATRA Poland project in Amsterdam (25 June - 8 July 2006)
2007 - 21st General Conference of ICOM in Vienna (19-24 August 2007)
and CECA Conference and Cultural Action)-poster: The education in Poznan
Archaeological Muzeum
2009 - Conference Lednickie mosty - przeszłość dla przyszłości
zorganizowanej organized by Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy (13-15.09.2009)
- paper: "Na naukę nigdy nie jest za późno". Czy edukacja muzealna jest
potrzebna dorosłym?"
2009 - Conference Współczesne oblicza przeszłości (21-22.10.2009)
organised by Instytut Prahistorii UAM - paper: Archeologia i media - małżeństwo
z rozsądku
2009 - Conference Muzeum XXI w. Teoria i praxis. Gniezno (25-27.11.2009)
organised by Muzeum Początków Państwa Polskiego w Gnieźnie - paper: Jak
cię widzą, tak cię piszą. Wizerunek Muzeum Archeologicznego w Poznaniu w
przeciągu 150 lat istnienia
since 1999 |
a member of Poznań Prehistoric Society (since 2000 an executive board member)
since January 2004 |
an executive board member of PATRIMONIUM FUNDATION (founded to support activity of Poznań Archaeological Museum) |
since 2006 |
a member of Polish National Committee of ICOM and a member of ICOM's Committee for Education and Cultural Action |
tortoises, Basset Hund dogs, experimental
cooking, fast skiing, Hercules Poirot.