für Kultur und Denkmalpflege
Bereich Archäologie und Denkmalpflege |
Bringing Air and Water Together
Activities September 2005 - June 2006
The preparation of the brochure on aerial archaeology
for young grown-ups has been continued as well as the work with
DenkmalGIS database.
The Second Training School in Aerial Archaeology
in Barth has taken place from May 1st-5th. This year, we received
many applications (32 for 12 places) due to the fact that financial
support for students from Eastern European countries has been
made available courtesy to Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum für
Geschichte und Kultur Mitteleuropas an der Universität Leipzig
(GWZO) and AARG. The twelve participants came from Croatia, Poland,
Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Sweden and Germany. Tutors were Otto
Braasch, Dave MacLeod and Lidka Zuk like in 2005, plus Enrico
Donati. Chris Musson originally only wanted to pass some days
in Barth but took over from Dave MacLeod when he had to leave
because of family matters. Subjects and structure of the School
were more or less identical to 2005.
Again, tutors and particpants left Barth contented. First results
from the Training Schools in 2005 and 2006 are as follows: Enrico
Donati is applying for a scholarship at Dublin University - in
the end a result of his contact to Ian Doyle first made during
the 2005 Training School. One of this year's Polish participants
changed the subject of her master thesis to an aspect of Aerial
Archaeology after she came home from Barth enthusiastic and inspired.
Meanwhile, a short note about our Training Schools has been published
in "Archaeologie in Deutschland", a German periodical that aims
on professional archaeologists as well as to the broad public.
A long version of the Barth 2005 report appeared in our institution's
The PowerPoint presentation for the Museum of Underwater Archaeology
on Ruegen mentioned in the September 2005 report is nearly complete,
some technical problems now have to be solved.
And last: the date for the three-day Seminar in Schwerin, originally
intended to take place in summer 2006, has been set to 29th-31st
January 2007. The invitations have been sent by e-mail to all
project partners. If anyone has not received it or if there are
any questions, please write an e-mail to
The conference will take place in Schwerin's historical castle,
an attractive location situated on the border of Lake Schwerin.
The conference will be open to the public and we are already spreading
the news around amid interested people. We hope for a lively conference
and would be glad to welcome you in Schwerin!